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Dental School Timeline

The timeline for Dental School Application submission is different in Canada and the US. Canadian deadlines are generally considerably earlier than those of the US. The deadline for Canadian dental schools can vary among the provinces or even within provinces. There are only two dental schools in Ontario, Canada: University of Toronto Dental school and the western University (London, Ontario) Schulich dental school. For Western the deadline has been December 1st of the year prior to year you are apply for admission into. So, for Students starting in 2021, it would be December 1st of 2020. For U of T dental school, the deadline has been November 1st of the year prior to year you are planning to start Dental school.

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Rolling Admissions USA

The timeline for Dental School Application submission is different in Canada and the US. Canadian deadlines are generally consider


AADSAS is the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) application service portal. Schools require applicants to submit their application. An exception to this are a few schools in Texas which use the TMDSAS.

Most Canadian schools have their own service portal and require independent applications. Schools like the University of Toronto however, are accessible through the AADSAS along with the American schools.

The 2021-2022 ADEA AADSAS application will open on May 11 and submissions will open on June 1. It is encouraged to take that time and apply as early as possible without sacrificing quality.

Different schools have specific deadlines. These range from early September to early February of the following year. Although acceptable to complete your application by the day of the deadline, it is not encouraged to wait until the last minute.

If you wish to enter dental school the Fall after your undergraduate graduation, you will need to submit your application the summer after your third year.

In contrast to regular admissions when the applications are reviewed after the deadline, rolling admissions view applications in the order they arrive. This means that the sooner you apply, the sooner your application is reviewed.