Rolling Admissions USA
The timeline for Dental School Application submission is different in Canada and the US. Canadian deadlines are generally considerably earlier than those of the US. The deadline for Canadian dental schools can vary among the provinces or even within provinces. There are only two dental schools in Ontario, Canada: University of Toronto Dental school and the western University (London, Ontario) Schulich dental school. For Western the deadline has been December 1st of the year prior to year you are apply for admission into. So, for Students starting in 2021, it would be December 1st of 2020. For U of T dental school, the deadline has been November 1st of the year prior to year you are planning to start Dental school.
For American Dental Schools the application cycle begins on Jun 1st of the year prior to your starting year and runs till February 1st of the year you are planning to start dental school. So if applying to start in 2021, then you can start applying in Jun of 2020 up until February 1st of 2021. But this is not true for ALL American dental schools. About 20-30% of the dental schools in the US can have deadlines as early as November 1st of the year prior (see above). With a handful having deadlines as early as early August of the year prior to. Although US dental schools have rolling admission. Meaning the early applicants will be looked at first, but this does not mean that an applicant with lower GPA and DAT scores will get admissions ahead of another applicant with better GPA and DAT scores, but has applied later in the admission cycle. These being said, It is always a wise idea to apply as early as possible, no matter what your credentials are.